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Micro Frontend Architecture for Developers

Micro frontend architecture is an innovative approach to frontend development that brings the benefits of microservices to the browser. If you’re dealing with a large-scale application or looking for ways to make your frontend codebase more maintainable and scalable, micro frontends could be the answer. Let’s dive deep into this architecture, understand its core principles, benefits, challenges, and how to implement it in your projects.

What is Micro Frontend Architecture?

Micro frontend architecture involves breaking down a monolithic frontend application into smaller, independent, and self-contained pieces, similar to how microservices are used in backend development. Each piece, known as a micro frontend, is owned by a team that can develop, deploy, and manage it independently of the others. The goal is to make the development process more flexible and modular, allowing teams to work on different features or sections of the frontend concurrently.

Core Principles of Micro Frontend Architecture

  1. Independence: Each micro frontend should be an independent unit that can be developed, deployed, and maintained in isolation. This means you can use different frameworks, libraries, or even technologies if needed.

  1. Single Responsibility: Each micro frontend should focus on a specific business function or feature, such as user authentication, product listing, or checkout.

  1. Team Autonomy: Teams should have the freedom to choose their tech stack and tools based on the needs of their micro frontend. This leads to faster development cycles and more innovative solutions.

  1. Composability: The final application is composed of multiple micro frontends. Each micro frontend should be designed to be easily integrated with others.

  1. Scalability: Micro frontends allow scaling teams and codebases horizontally. You can have multiple teams working on different micro frontends without interfering with each other.

Benefits of Micro Frontend Architecture

  1. Independent Deployments: Since micro frontends are separate units, they can be deployed independently. This reduces the risk of deploying a large monolithic frontend where a small change could break the entire application.

  1. Technology Agnostic: Teams can choose the technology stack that best suits their needs. For example, one team could use React, while another uses Vue or Svelte.

  1. Faster Development and Releases: Autonomous teams can develop and release features faster without waiting for other teams, continuous deployment pipelines can be set up for each micro frontend.

  1. Scalable and Maintainable Codebase: A large codebase is easier to manage when divided into smaller, more focused parts. It also reduces cognitive load, making it easier for new developers to onboard and contribute effectively.

  1. Reusability: Components developed as micro frontends can be reused across different applications which eventually saves time and effort of the team.

Challenges of Micro Frontend Architecture

While micro frontends offer several advantages, they also come with their own set of challenges:

  1. Complexity in Integration: Integrating multiple micro frontends into a single, seamless user experience can be challenging. You need to carefully manage routing, state, components, testing etc in a way which makes sure it's scalable and maintainable.

  1. Performance Overhead: Loading multiple micro frontends can introduce performance issues. You need to ensure that micro frontends are optimized for performance to avoid slow page loads and other unnecessary  operations which affect the performance in a bad way.

  1. Consistent UI/UX: Ensuring a consistent look and feel across micro frontends developed by different teams is crucial, because there are multiple teams working with different tech stacks then maintaining the design consistency becomes a crucial task. You can use design systems and shared component libraries which helps in maintaining consistency.

  1. Communication Between Micro Frontends: Sharing data and communicating between micro frontends can be challenging due to multiple micro frontends built on different technologies. You need to establish patterns for data fetching, event handling, and state management to ensure consistent communication between all micro frontends.

  1. Increased Setup and Maintenance Costs: Setting up a micro frontend architecture requires more initial effort in terms of infrastructure, CI/CD pipelines, and development practices. Maintenance can also become more complex if not managed well.

Implementing Micro Frontend Architecture

  1. Build and Deployment Strategy

A robust build and deployment strategy is crucial for micro frontends. Each micro frontend should have its own repository, CI/CD pipeline, and build process. You can use tools like Webpack Module Federation, Single-SPA, or Bit to build and manage micro frontends. These tools allow you to create shared modules and handle dependency management effectively.

  1. Routing Management

For seamless integration, routing is essential to implement. Libraries like Single-SPA provide solutions for handling multiple frameworks on a single page. You can also use Module Federation for a more advanced approach where micro frontends share code.

  1. Communication Between Micro Frontends

While each micro frontend should be self-contained, there may be times when they need to communicate. Use event-driven architectures, shared state management libraries like Redux, or custom solutions for cross-micro frontend communication.

  1. State Management

Managing state in a micro frontend setup can be tricky. You can use a shared state management library like Redux, Recoil, or Zustand to manage global state, or go for more decoupled approaches using custom event buses or Pub/Sub models.

  1. Consistent Design System

Having a consistent design system is vital. Establish a shared design system or component library that each team can consume. Tools like Storybook and Bit help in building and sharing components across teams.

  1. Testing Micro Frontends

Testing strategies in a micro frontend architecture involve both isolated tests for each micro frontend and integration tests for the entire application. Use tools like Jest, Cypress, and Pact for unit, integration, and contract testing.

  1. Composition

  • Build-time composition involves assembling the various micro frontends into a single bundle during the build process. This approach requires careful coordination and adherence to shared design principles and contracts.

  • Runtime composition involves loading and integrating micro frontends dynamically during runtime. This approach offers greater flexibility and allows for on-demand loading, reducing initial load times and enabling independent updates of individual components.

Tools and Frameworks for Micro Frontend Architecture

  • Single-SPA: A popular framework for building micro frontends that work together, regardless of their framework.

  • Module Federation (Webpack 5): Allows micro frontends to share code and dependencies, reducing duplication and improving load times.

  • Bit: Provides a platform for building and sharing components, enabling collaboration across teams.

  • Qiankun: A micro frontend framework that focuses on being simple and easy to use, built on top of Single-SPA.

  • Piral: A framework for next-generation portal applications that supports micro frontend architecture out of the box.

Best Practices for Implementing Micro Frontends

  1. Start Small: If you’re new to micro frontends, start by breaking a small part of your application into micro frontends and iterate from there, start from small, learn and understand the architecture then expand it more.

  1. Ensure Isolation: Each micro frontend should be as independent as possible to reduce the needs for cross frontend communication. One of the only principles of micro frontend is to build micro frontends separately.

  1. Focus on Developer Experience: Developers must be familiar and comfortable with the architecture, also provide guidelines, share tooling, and libraries to make it easier for teams to build, test, and deploy micro frontends effectively.

  1. Maintain Consistent Documentation: Keep all micro frontend documentation up-to-date to ensure smooth onboarding and collaboration between teams. Good written documentation also works as a true source of information for the new developer.


Micro frontend architecture is a powerful paradigm for building scalable, maintainable, and modular frontend applications. However, it requires careful planning, clear guidelines, and a solid infrastructure to be successful. As a developer, it opens up a world of possibilities to work independently, experiment with new technologies, and deliver value faster. Start small, learn iteratively, and embrace the flexibility that micro frontends offer for the organization and the developer as well.


Siddhant Jain

Software Developer at Dualite



Is micro frontend architecture suitable for small projects?

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Generally, micro frontend architecture is more beneficial for large-scale applications with multiple teams working on different features. For small projects or teams, the added complexity of micro frontends might outweigh the benefits.

How does micro frontend architecture differ from traditional monolithic frontend architecture?

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Unlike monolithic frontend architecture, where all the frontend code is tightly coupled and managed in a single repository, micro frontend architecture breaks down the frontend into smaller, independent units. This allows for better scalability, flexibility in technology choices, and more efficient team management.

How can you manage routing in a micro frontend architecture?

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Routing in a micro frontend architecture can be managed using libraries like Single-SPA, which handles multiple frameworks on a single page. Module Federation can also be used for advanced routing where micro frontends share code.

What challenges might developers face when implementing micro frontends?

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Some challenges include complexity in integration, performance overhead, maintaining consistent UI/UX, handling communication between micro frontends, and increased setup and maintenance costs. Addressing these challenges requires careful planning and the right tools.

What are the core principles of micro frontend architecture?

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The core principles include independence, single responsibility, team autonomy, composability, and scalability. These principles ensure each micro frontend is an independent unit, focused on a specific business function, developed by autonomous teams, easily integrable, and scalable

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