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Convert Figma Design to React

Introduction to Figma and React

Figma has revolutionised design collaboration, offering designers a powerful platform for creating and iterating on digital designs in real-time. Its intuitive interface and robust prototyping features make it a favourite among designers worldwide.

React, on the other hand, empowers developers to build dynamic user interfaces with ease. Its component-based architecture promotes code reusability and scalability, making it a go-to choice for modern web development.

The convergence of Figma and React presents an exciting opportunity to streamline the design-to-development workflow. By converting Figma designs to React components, designers and developers can ensure consistency between design mockups and the final product, facilitating smoother handoffs and more efficient development processes.

In this blog post, we'll explore the intricacies of converting Figma designs to React components, covering techniques, tools, and best practices to help you master this valuable skill. Whether you're a designer looking to enhance collaboration or a developer seeking to optimise your workflow, learning to convert Figma designs to React is sure to elevate your projects to new heights.

Why Convert Figma Designs into React?

Converting Figma designs to React empowers teams to create high-quality, interactive web applications while fostering collaboration and efficiency throughout the development process. Also Converting Figma designs to React components offers several key benefits as below :

  • Maintaining Consistency 
  • Streamlining Workflow
  • Facilitating Collaboration
  • Improving Efficiency
  • Enabling Interactivity

Dualite plugin is one such solution that makes it easy to transform Figma designs to React

 About the Dualite Plugin

Basically starting with choosing a Dualite plugin. Select the first frame of an interactive prototype and choose the language (React, or  HTML). One can download the generated code as a ZIP file or copy the code directly or Preview it in Code Sandbox, a tool for visualising written code. The output code is modularized in different files for easy organisation.

How to convert Figma designs to React

1. Open the Dualite Plugin

Search for the Dualite Plugin at Figma's Top Nav Bar (You can also open the product through the link given below at the bottom)

Figma to html Converter

2. Login with Figma

Click on 'Login with Figma' that'll open up a basic authentication process to get you signed in

Figma to html css

3. Paste the Figma URL

You need to Copy your Figma URL and paste into the field. You can copy the URL by clicking on the 'Share' Button at the top-right portion and selecting 'Copy link'

Convert Figma Designs to Code

4. Select the Figma design that needs to be converted to React

You need to select the Figma design that needs to be converted to React. You can either select the first Frame of the Figma interactive prototype or static design to code

P.S - Dualite is the only tool to convert interactive prototypes to quality React code!

Automatic code generation

5. Select React from the drop-down

Select React for the conversion of your Figma design to React code from the drop-down and click on 'Convert to Code' 

Figma to html Converter

6. Copy the code, or directly preview it in CodeSandbox!

Once the conversion is done of your Figma design to React code you can either copy the generated code or directly preview it in CodeSandbox for seeing the output

Figma to html Converter
And you're done!
You can try the product today here and see high quality production-level React code from your favourite Figma designs being converted seamlessly.

Some advice on how to manage 

Modular CSS: We have a separate modularised CSS file instead of in-line for better clarity and purpose..

Semantic HTML: If your design is well-structured and named, we use those Figma element names as semantic tags in the HTML

Mobile-First Approach: Currently, we don’t do mobile-based responsiveness. However you can convert mobile-based designs and put an ‘if-else’ condition based on the device that the code is being shown

Testing: You can thoroughly test the React design generated code output through the ‘Preview in CodeSandbox’ across multiple browsers and devices to ensure consistent behaviour and appearance.

Componentization: We are currently working on Figma designs into reusable modularised React components, and best practices for component architecture and naming conventions.

Minimise DOM Manipulation: We connect files through the core React-based DOM. If you want to change that structure, it is easily doable.

Media Queries: We are currently working on making designs entirely responsive through media queries.


In the ever-changing web development market, the combination of Figma and React provides an unusual possibility of speeding up the design-to-development cycle. Teams receive numerous benefits from converting Figma designs to React parts, including retaining consistency, easing workflow, and encouraging collaboration between designers and developers.

Also You can design high-quality, interactive online applications that delight users and produce business results by following best practices and using the correct tool  Dualite. Whether you're a designer believing in improving collaboration or a developer looking to streamline your workflow, learning how to convert Figma designs to React will take your projects to new heights. Accept the possibilities that this strong combination provides, and see your designs come to life in the digital domain. 


Why Convert Figma Designs into React?

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Converting Figma designs to React empowers teams to maintain consistency between design mockups and the final product, streamlining the workflow and fostering collaboration between designers and developers. This conversion ensures that the interactive web applications built using React reflect the design intent accurately.‍

What is the Dualite Plugin and How Does It Work?

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The Dualite plugin simplifies the process of transforming Figma designs into React components. By selecting the desired frame of an interactive prototype and choosing React as the target language, users can generate modularized code directly from Figma.‍

How does adopting a modular CSS approach contribute to the clarity and organisation of the code?

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Employing modular CSS ensures that styling is separated from the HTML structure, enhancing code clarity and maintainability. By keeping styles modularized in separate files, developers can easily manage and update the design elements without cluttering the HTML code.‍

How Does Componentization Work in the Conversion Process?

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The conversion process focuses on breaking down Figma designs into reusable React components, promoting code reusability and scalability. By adhering to best practices for component architecture and naming conventions, developers can create a library of modular components that can be easily integrated into various projects, enhancing code maintainability and efficiency.‍

What are the Key Takeaways and Benefits of Using Figma and React Together?

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The convergence of Figma and React offers significant benefits for design-to-development workflows, including maintaining consistency, streamlining collaboration, and improving efficiency. By leveraging tools like the Dualite plugin and adhering to best practices, teams can create high-quality, interactive web applications that delight users and drive business results.‍

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