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Dualite vs. LottieFiles: A Comprehensive Comparison

When it comes to creating engaging user interfaces, animations can make all the difference. Two popular tools which are extremely helpful for designers and developers to seamlessly integrate animations into web and mobile applications are Dualite and Lottie. While both tools have their unique strengths, they cater to slightly different needs and workflows. In this article, we will delve into what sets them apart, how they can be utilized, and which one might be the better choice for your next project.

What is Dualite?

Dualite is an AI-powered plugin that converts Figma designs into production-ready code. It aims to bridge the gap between design and development by automating the conversion of Figma designs into efficient code. Dualite not only generate HTML/CSS code  but alsoReact and Tailwind CSS code, allowing developers and designers to generate code for their designs and animations

What is LottieFiles?

LottieFiles is another powerful Figma extension that allows designers and developers to integrate high-quality animations seamlessly into their applications. LottieFiles supports the Lottie library, which renders Adobe After Effects animations as JSON files that can be used on web, iOS, Android, and more. This extension provides a platform for exploring, creating, and testing Lottie animations directly within Figma.

Key Differences Between Dualite and LottieFiles

While both Dualite and LottieFiles are extensions for Figma and provide valuable features for designers and developers, their core functionalities differ significantly. Here’s a breakdown of the key differences:

1. Primary Purpose

  • Dualite
    • Focuses on converting Figma designs, static or animation, into production-ready code. It’s tailored for Frontend developers who want to automate the coding process and maintain consistency between design and code
    • Dualite is not specific to animations or GIFs but it works with every design element whether it is a heavy animation or a basic component. It provides you optimized code using Javascript, DOM elements and manipulation, CSS animations and much more
  • LottieFiles:
    • Concentrates on animations and making them accessible in Figma. It’s more geared towards designers and developers looking to add high-quality animations to their projects with ease.
    • Lottie is more like a GIF replacement, basically it is of a good use where you want GIFs in your project

2. Output Type

  • Dualite: Outputs developer centric code in popular frameworks and languages such as  HTML, CSS, Javascript, React, Tailwind and more. It’s all about creating functional user interfaces that are ready for integration into your project.

  • LottieFiles: Outputs JSON files for animations, which can be rendered in real-time using the Lottie library on various platforms.

3. Extensive Features

  • Dualite:
    • Modes: Dualite offers two modes, Component Mode and Page Mode, ideal for developers and designers to convert their design into generated code. 
      • Component Mode: Focuses on individual design elements, allowing for the creation of reusable components.
      • Page Mode: Converts entire pages, maintaining the overall layout and structure.

Read more about Component and Page mode here

  • LottieFiles: Lottie files allows users to convert animations with a live preview and drag and drop functionality making it really helpful to generate animations

4. Performance

  • LottieFiles: Relies on JavaScript-based animations, which can overload the browser's or application’s main thread, especially when multiple animations run simultaneously, leading to potential performance issues.

  • Dualite: Generates CSS animations, which are handled by the browser's compositor thread, resulting in smoother performance with less impact on the main thread and reduced risk of lag or stutter.

5. UI Interface and Accessibility

  • Dualite: Dualite is known for its simple and intuitive UI, making it accessible for users at all levels. The clean interface ensures that both designers and developers can navigate the tool with ease, focusing on their tasks without getting bogged down by complex settings.

  • LottieFiles: Comes with multiple navigation such as Discover, Workspaces and more making it’s UI a little difficult to understand. User must be familiar with LottieFiles first to use it in Figma itself

6. Customization

  • Dualite: Generated code in any language or framework is highly customizable. You can tweak it according to your need and use case to easily integrate in your project

  • LottieFiles: It generates JSON type output which is not editable at all by users to tweak or adjust according to their needs

7. Design Complexity

  • Dualite: Dualite can generate efficient and reusable code for complex designs, animations to interactive widgets, making it a complete go to tool for teams

  • LottieFiles: Lottie files is kind of limited to animations only, it only works for animations, nothing else

8. Target Users

  • Dualite: Ideal for frontend developers, designers and teams who work closely with React, Tailwind CSS, and other popular frontend frameworks. It helps bridge the gap between design and development, maintaining consistency and minimizing the time taken for development.

  • LottieFiles: Best suited for UI/UX designers and animation specialists who want to create, customize, and implement animations directly from Figma to various platforms.

When to Use Dualite?

If your goal is to streamline the design-to-development handoff and reduce the time spent on manually coding UI components, Dualite is an excellent choice. It is particularly effective in the following scenarios:

  • Design Systems and Style Guides: Ideal for creating reusable components that ensure consistency across projects.

  • Single-Platform Teams: Best suited for teams working exclusively with Figma.

  • Rapid Prototyping: Useful for quickly converting design prototypes into functional code for testing and iteration.

  • Freelancing Projects and MVP’s: Quickly convert Figma to Code and deliver to client using Dualite Page Mode

When to Use LottieFiles?

LottieFiles is the go-to choice for integrating animations directly into your designs and is most useful in these cases:

  • Animation-Rich Applications: When your project requires eye-catching animations to enhance user engagement.

  • Cross-Platform Projects: If you’re developing animations for web, mobile, and other platforms simultaneously, LottieFiles ensures animations are compatible across all environments.

  • Creative Animation Needs: For designers who want to play around with animations, LottieFiles offers a rich library and tools to create custom animations without much hassle.’


Both Dualite and LottieFiles bring unique capabilities to the Figma ecosystem. Dualite is perfect for frontend developers looking to speed up the development process by generating code directly from Figma designs, while LottieFiles is ideal for designers who want to bring their animations to life across multiple platforms.

Choosing between these tools depends on the specific needs of your project. If your focus is on creating polished, production-ready code from Figma designs and animations, Dualite is the way to go. If you’re looking to add stunning animations to your designs, LottieFiles will be a game-changer.


Rohan Singhvi

CEO of Dualite



Which tool is better for high-performance web applications?

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Dualite is generally better for high-performance web applications due to its CSS-based animation approach, which minimizes the impact on the browser's main thread.

How does the learning curve compare between Dualite and LottieFiles?

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Dualite offers a simpler, more intuitive UI, making it easier for users to get started quickly. LottieFiles offers more extensive features but may require a steeper learning curve for users unfamiliar with JSON-based animations.

How does Dualite handle animations differently from LottieFiles?

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Dualite generates CSS animations, which run on the browser’s compositor thread for smoother performance. LottieFiles, however, generates JavaScript-based animations that can potentially overload the browser's main thread, affecting performance.

Can LottieFiles be used with frameworks like React or Angular?

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Yes, LottieFiles provides libraries and tools that make it easy to integrate Lottie animations into frameworks like React, Angular, and Vue.

What makes Dualite a good choice for developers focused on Figma?

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Dualite directly converts Figma designs to clean, reusable code for React, Tailwind CSS, and more, making it an excellent choice for developers focused on a streamlined Figma-to-code workflow.

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