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Figma To React with Dualite : A Guide

Figma to React with Dualite

The transition from design to development can often be a time-consuming and error-prone process. Dualite, an innovative Figma plugin, offers a powerful solution by enabling the direct conversion of Figma designs into React components. This article explores the best practices for using Dualite to transform your Figma designs into high-quality React code efficiently.

Understanding Dualite

Dualite is a plugin designed to streamline the conversion of Figma designs into various code formats, including React, HTML/CSS, and Tailwind CSS. It offers two primary modes: Component Mode for generating reusable components and Page Mode for converting entire user flows and pages.

Converting Figma to React with Dualite

1. Organize Your Figma Design: Use Clear Naming Conventions: Ensure all layers and components in your Figma design have clear, descriptive names. This helps Dualite generate semantic, easily understandable React code.

2. Launch the Plugin: Open the Dualite plugin from the Figma interface by searching for it in the “Search All Plugins” option.

2. Log In and Set Up: Log in with your Figma account.

3. Figma File Link: Copy Figma File Link and paste it into the field

4. Select Appropriate Mode: Select Component or Page Mode according to your needs

Note: In this article we will be using Page Mode.

Want to learn about Component Mode and Page Mode in detail ? Click here

5. Initiate Conversion: Select desired frame, choose React as the framework for conversion and click on "CONVERT TO CODE".

6. Copy or Export the Code: You can download it as a ZIP file, or open it in CodeSandbox for further testing and integration.

Note : Do not use Codesandbox code structure to directly deploy your code, instead download the ZIP File of the generated code with “Download ZIP FILE” button and use that code structure to deploy

Benefits of Using Dualite for Figma to React Conversion

  • Efficiency: Dualite significantly reduces the time required for converting designs to code, enabling faster iterations and deployments.

  • Consistency: By preserving design semantics and interactive elements, Dualite ensures a consistent and accurate translation from design to code.

  • Collaboration: Dualite’s support for collaborative workflows allows teams to work together seamlessly, ensuring that designs are accurately converted into functional React components.


Dualite is an indispensable tool for designers and developers looking to streamline the design-to-code workflow. By following best practices for organizing your Figma designs, preparing for conversion, and refining the generated code, you can leverage Dualite to transform your Figma designs into high-quality React components efficiently. Explore the power of Dualite and elevate your frontend development process.

For more information and to start using Dualite, visit our official website and Product Hunt page​ 


Rohan Singhvi

CEO of Dualite



Is the ReactJS code generated by Dualite production-ready?

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Yes, download the code as ZIP and use that structure to deploy it live

Figma to React in Dualite works with Page Mode or Component Mode ?

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Figma to React works with both modes, Component or Page Mode. You can use either mode according to your choice

Is CSS the only option for styling with Reactjs?

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No, you can select CSS or TailwindCSS according to your project needs

Does Dualite support state management in ReactJS?

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No, Dualite generates the frontend code but it is highly customizable allowing developers to add or remove any part of the code

Can Dualite generate animations in ReactJS?

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Yes, Dualite can convert any interactive element and animations to efficient Reactjs code

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